
Head Instructor

For more than 25 years, Sensei Stevens has worked as a Martial Arts instructor throughout Eastern Pennsylvania. He established a neighborhood-based dojo with outreach programs to give something back to the community. The dojo also celebrates the tradition and honor associated with American-style martial arts, which was built on integrity, respect, and a belief that every individual plays a part in making this country great through personal and social development. He provided a place where students with special needs can find refuge, comfort, acceptance, and kindred spirits.

Sensei Stevens is a prominent member of the Martial Arts community and skilled in teaching over 20 different types of weapons and various styles of martial arts. He is a qualified instructor trained to meet the needs of children who face physical, mental, & behavioral stumbling blocks, like autism and cerebral palsy.

Sensei Stevens is a part of an elite group of instructors capable of teaching advanced weapons to children. Sensei Stevens’ unique teaching approach, advanced weapon, and sparing training have truly set him apart from other instructors making him a household name throughout the industry. Sensei Stevens trains with some of the best, like Master Denise Tosten, Brat Vale, Dr. Gyi, Frank Trejo, Joe Breidenstein, Joe Lewis, Joe Palanzo, Richard Planas, Steve Anderson, Steve LaBounty, Tom Kelly, and Tom LoVarco.

a group of karate man

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